Today I sit in front of the computer.  Editing because it’s Monday.  And thats what photographers do on Mondays… we edit the thousands of photos we took over the weekend.  Today  was a little different for me.  It was kinda like one  of those Ah-Ha moments that Oprah talks about.

I was editing a wedding and my eyes welled up with tears.  Real tears.   Not out of sadness, but from the pure joy and emotion captured in the images.  The images themselves were not technically perfect and are not even fully edited or I would post them.  But thats not the point.  The photos were not the point.

Looking at those images, the ones that made me tear up, tell me that I did the right thing starting my photography business.  I’m so happy and proud that I get to make a living from creating and documenting such moments.  A few years back,  I never would have believed that I could do this as a job and keep myself as busy as the desk job I went to college for.  But it happened.  Sometimes its a struggle and it takes a lot of patience and persistance.  But today …. today the tears told me I did the right thing.   Happy Monday.

Now… back to editing.

