Through the power of Facebook, I was reconnected with my old roommate, Erika, from Seattle.  Turns out she has really good friend that vacations every year in Phoenix.  Their vacation was coming up and they also were interested in some new family photos.   I  exchanged a few emails with Gina and decided to met up with her family at their resort.  We had an early morning session due to sunlight and nap times.  I had never been to the resort that they were staying at, so I left my house a little early, stopped at Starbucks (because I was feeling a little nostalgic for Seattle) and headed into West Phoenix.  When I arrived at the resort I took a walk around to see the grounds.  I became a bit concerned.  I didn’t see a lot of good places I could shoot. Slight panic set in.  I also got chased down by a golf cart  and told I could not be near the course.  I kept walking…and I stumbled upon this old boarded up  house near the back of the property.  I have no idea what it was used for, or what it was doing chained off near the back of the golf resort,  but It was perfect.  I loved the textured brick, the green grass, and the privacy.  It ended up being a really good session- and one of my favorite locations to shoot!  The Browns were an super cute  family – and here are just a few of  the pictures to prove it!

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Tyler was “coaxed” through the entire photo session with the promise of when it was through he would get a lollipop.  I took this photo as I was leaving.  Too Cute.  He earned it!Brown Family Blog-14