Every winter we take the girls up to Flagstaff to go sledding.  This year, we decided to take a ride on The Polar Express in addition to our day of sledding.  We have watched the movie countless times, so we had some excited little girls when they found out they had their own tickets.001_PLOAR EXPRESS_WEB005_PLOAR EXPRESS_WEBI couldn’t believe how much the train actually LOOKED like the train in the movie!  006_PLOAR EXPRESS_WEBPiper handed over the tickets and we boarded our train.  The excitement begins…007_PLOAR EXPRESS_WEB008_PLOAR EXPRESS_WEB009_PLOAR EXPRESS_WEB010_PLOAR EXPRESS_WEBThe journey included sugar cookies and hot chocolate.  011_PLOAR EXPRESS_WEB013_PLOAR EXPRESS_WEB014_PLOAR EXPRESS_WEB015_PLOAR EXPRESS_WEB016_PLOAR EXPRESS_WEB018_PLOAR EXPRESS_WEBThe Polar Express was read over the speaker system and the train attendants showed the storybook photos to the  children as the story unfolded.019_PLOAR EXPRESS_WEBJust before arriving at the North Pole, we had our tickets punched …just like the movie.021_PLOAR EXPRESS_WEBThe train slowed down as we approached the North Pole.  Piper sees Santa for the first time out the widow022_PLOAR EXPRESS_WEB023_PLOAR EXPRESS_WEB024_PLOAR EXPRESS_WEB025_PLOAR EXPRESS_WEBSanta boarded our train car first and there was a tight grip on Daddy.026_PLOAR EXPRESS_WEBGrace was a little more excited.  We have taken her every year to see Santa, but she has never sat on his lap…ever.   We never get closer than 20 feet away.  So, this was really the first time to have a personal experience talking with Santa.027_PLOAR EXPRESS_WEB028_PLOAR EXPRESS_WEB029_PLOAR EXPRESS_WEB

Look at that smile.  Look at those teeth!  She is losing teeth left and right.  She lost her front tooth about 5 minutes before boarding the train!031_PLOAR EXPRESS_WEB032_PLOAR EXPRESS_WEBAfter Santa’s visit everyone sang Christmas Carols on the ride back to the train station.035_PLOAR EXPRESS_WEB The girls loved The Polar Express, and it was especially fun this year because they both BELIEVE in Santa.  It’s going to be a great Christmas.037_PLOAR EXPRESS_WEB

Merry Christmas!  Love, The Wakemans