High School Senior portrait season has arrived!  I met up with this beautiful young lady yesterday evening for her  senior photos.  The first thing she says to me is “Ok, you have to pose me…because I am not sure what to do”.   Funny thing is… the photo below is the very FIRST photo I took.  First one.  I really was just testing lighting, camera settings, etc.  It’s beautiful!  I looked at the camera and thought – this is going to be easy!  A natural.




In our initial chat on the phone about locations and concept she mentioned she didn’t like cacti or the desert, so we picked a very bright, colorful, urban location.  Still, we had to stop to take a few photos with the Arizona greenery.

Her boyfriend (along with her mom and sister) joined us for the shoot.  We let the boyfriend jump into a couple shots too…











Her sister was wearing this cute hat- and we had to steal it for just a couple shots.  Thats what sisters do.  We steal borrow clothes.


Thank you so much for letting me photograph your Senior Photos Heather!  You rocked it!