I flew to Chicago this weekend to visit my  dearest and closest friend Kelly.  Kelly is expecting her first baby next month and her friends in Chicago were having a baby shower for her.  Of course I am not going to miss that!  Kelly and I have been friends since high school and we literally  talk almost every day…still.   I warned Kelly that I was bringing my camera because she was adamantly against having maternity photos taken.  Like that is going to stop me!  We were running out the door and I made her stop because the lighting was so great in her Loft- and I snapped a few photos.  Now, I wish I had taken more.  It was a whirlwind weekend, and thank goodness we took these while we did because time flew by and I never to the chance to take any more.  Little Eleanor is expected to arrive right around the same time as St. Nick…Kelly Blog -1

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…and I can’t forget a few photos of Kelly’s FIRST baby, Riley.  Riley is also known as “Riley Monster” and had been with Kelly since the night she called me on the phone 8 years ago and said “I just got home from a Charity Auction.  I bought a Chocolate Lab Puppy!”  He is one handsome boy and has traveled from Coast to Coast with Kelly over the years.  I think he won a pretty good Mom that night.  He is going to be a great Big Brother.
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