We all love digital files.  Instantly being able to show your friends your latest photo on Facebook and Instagram.  But I think there is something to be said for the gorgeous leather album that lands with a “thud” in your lap.   Call me old school, but I love revisiting photo albums.   We have all looked though our parents wedding album, your baby albums, and bound books filled with our vacation photos.  Life events.  Documented.  In physical printed form, not on a glaring computer screen.  Sitting on the couch and looking at an album with family, some of who will never have a Facebook account, is the best platform for laughing and sharing memories.   In such a digital age, I think its especially important to remember the importance of printed images.

A lot of good things have come out of the advances in technology for the wedding industry.  The problem is most brides and grooms today are simply content with having their images in digital form and calling it a day.  Its my biggest request from Brides.  Everyone wants digital files and the professional  prints and leather coffee table albums get passed over.  They want to upload the images to their social network accounts and send a few images off to corner store print lab to hang on their walls.  Years pass, and the images have a tendency to get lost on a computer that is outdated, crashed, obsolete or even  stolen.

And it makes me cringe.  I cringe because I know someday those couple will regret not investing in a carefully preserved book which would never be misplaced.  Their social media accounts will fade into oblivion, and their cheaply printed photos will begin to yellow and fade.

Whether its your latest family portrait session, or your wedding day, preserve  you memories with quality and care.  Its a decision, and investment you won’t regret.